Adebayo A Akintobi, MD, MPH is a medical board-certified family physician and  South DeKalb Family Physician Medical Director since its 2004 inception. 

He completed his Family Medicine medical residency program at Emory  University School of Medicine, Department of Family and Preventive Medicine  and was the Chief Resident during his final year. Prior to his medical residency  program, he completed his Master’s in Public Health at the University of South  Florida College of Public Health with a concentration in Maternal and Child  Health. He was also a cancer prevention and outreach specialist at the H. Lee  Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida prior to relocating to Atlanta, Georgia. 

Dr. Akintobi is a huge proponent of preventive medicine, chronic disease  management, and health promotion. Dr. Akintobi is a member of the Georgia  Academy of Family Physicians, the American Academy of Family Physicians and  the American College of Preventive Medicine. 

He is the moderator of We Shop Talk and founder of We Speak to Testify, a YouTube channel and social media platform dedicated to promoting health care issues  affecting Black America and testimonials of individuals that have overcome health  concerns and challenges.

He has hospital privileges at Emory Decatur Hospital, Emory Hillandale Hospital, Emory Midtown Hospital, and Emory University Hospital. And former Welastar Medical Hospital.

He is the organizer of Taking charge of your health community events, a free health screening, chronic disease management and wellness collaborative public health outreaches prioritizing the unhoused, the uninsured and the under-insured population in the Atlanta area.